Inspire Dark Mode: a more comfortable writing environment for your eyes

If you prefer writing in the dark, or enjoy the less eye-soaring darker background to write in, or you just simply want to protect your eyes, then Dark Mode in Inspire is a good fit for your need.

By clicking ViewDark Mode, or using the shortcut keys Ctrl + T, your Inspire will be in the Dark Mode:

Inspire Dark Mode theme
Inspire Dark Mode theme

Inspire Dark Mode is a great tool to protect your eyes if you’re writing late at night, or working in a low-light environment. It reduces the eye strain, allowing you to be more productive, especially if your job requires you to stare at the screen over 10 hours a day, which could be quite normal for writers.

By switching your writing environment to dark mode, say goodbye to eye strain, eyesore and constant squinting in front of the screen.

How do you like it? Feel free to let us know what you think. We’re all ears. 🙂

Inspire Typewriter Mode

Just as the name suggests, Typewriter Mode mimics the behavior of a mechanical typewriter. It may be a bit old-fashion for some writers, but it’s definitely a great way to stay focus on your content, which is one of Inspire’s goals.

When typing on Inspire Typewriter Mode, you will always see your current line staying in the middle of the page, while the text you just typed will be pushed upwards, adding one more touch to the distraction-free writing environment that we’re working hard to build. Of course, you can scroll to wherever you want the text to be and keep typing.

To enable Typewriter Mode, click View, then Typewriter Mode. You’ll then see your current line stays where it is, ideally in the middle of the page, but it can also be wherever you want it to be.

How typewriter mode looks like in Inspire
How typewriter mode looks like in Inspire