Inspire 2.19 – More Changes After The Logo Change

One more step ahead to the refresh of our look: We redesigned the icons on Inspire in the latest version of Inspire, 2.19.

Here is a screenshot for you to have a glimpse of the new icons:

In a nutshell, we changed all the icons on Inspire, and you’re more than welcome to check each and every of them out and let us know your thoughts.

In addition, we also optimize Inspire for higher resolution display, so it looks more fabulous on screens with high resolutions such as Surface devices.

Open your Inspire and update to the latest version and you’ll see the changes for yourself. Or you can download Inspire from here and enjoy the ten-day free trial where you have access to all features in the paid version.

Moving forward, we’ll roll out more features that you’ll find helpful for your distraction-free writing. And always feel free to let us know how you think we can make Inspire better to serve your needs. We’re all ears.